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Twitter is stupid, and Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read  (Twitter Quotes) In case of fire exit the building before tweeting about it  (Twitter Quotes) Who needs FB or Twitter because I’m already following you  (Twitter Quotes) When people unfollow you and you're left wondering which tweet was the last straw  (Twitter Quotes) Please Follow Me  (Twitter Quotes) Just so you know - tweeting your problems won't make them disappear  (Twitter Quotes) Someone favoriting a tweet is really all the validation I need  (Twitter Quotes) My agonizingly trivial Twitter updates only confirm the bone chilling hollowness of my existence  (Twitter Quotes) If you got Twitter Drama I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but a tweet ain't one  (Twitter Quotes) I think we need to take a follow break until you get your Twittering under control  (Twitter Quotes) The new Twitter archive is the perfect way to document wasting your entire life on Twitter  (Twitter Quotes) Is it rude to Twitter during sex? To go omg, omg, wtf, zzz? Is that rude?  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is my happy place. I am not there to overthink 140 characters  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter! It’s like being stalked by committee!  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter! Never have lives been less lived and more chronicled!  (Twitter Quotes) Screw you and your 38,000 twitter followers!  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter should ban my mother  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter. Honestly, that’s all I really have to say to explain insanity  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is a global town square  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is wonderful. You can kill rumours instantly  (Twitter Quotes) I’ve seen people twitter in haiku only  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is a real addiction, like the color of it, the process of it  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter marketing in 4 words: Listen. Learn. Care. Serve  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is currently valued at $8 billion, or $1 for every hour it has wasted  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is the limit of me putting myself out there  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is an amazing thing, because people follow each other and they can make friends  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter is crack for media addicts  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter, for all its good, is a hate amplifier  (Twitter Quotes) Some people are sass monsters on twitter. Like honey, you need to chill  (Twitter Quotes) Twitter freaks me out. You have followers? It feels so obsessive and proprietary  (Twitter Quotes)
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